AGC's Culture of CARE Awareness Week inspired us to create our own initiative in order to provide extra support to our team during this challenging time. This initiative, called R|MILLER Cares, is our opportunity to continue shining a light on topics like diversity and inclusion, practice gratitude by getting involved in helping the community, and acknowledge that the happiness and well-being of our people is a key factor in our growth as an organization. Each month we will introduce a new theme and provide education and support around that theme. Whether you have arrived at this page because you are a member of our team or simply stumbled upon it by chance, we hope R|MILLER Cares resonates with you and that you will be able to make use of the resources and information below.
R|MILLER Cares focuses on:
C – community, connection, collaboration
A – awareness, authenticity, accountability
R – respect, reflection, relationships
E – empathy, empowerment
S – safety, support, sensitivity
When we think of human senses we think of eyesight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. Vision loss has a significant impact on the lives of those who experience it as well as on their families, their friends, and society. The complete loss or the deterioration of existing eyesight can feel frightening and overwhelming, leaving those affected to wonder about their ability to maintain their independence, pay for needed medical care, retain employment, and provide for themselves and their families. R|MILLER would like to bring awareness to the importance of taking care of your eyes while on job sites for the month of October. Eye injury risks increase when you are being rushed, feeling tired, performing an unfamiliar task, or being distracted. Help us bring awareness to Eye Injury Prevention Month by wearing the appropriate eye protection remaining aware of your surroundings.

For the month of September, we are focusing on suicide prevention awareness. As members of an industry with a higher-than-average suicide rate, addressing this issue with our team and our wider cohort is critical. Data shows that the architecture, engineering and construction industry loses people to suicide at six times the national average. R|MILLER Inc has pledged to STAND up for suicide prevention, and we want to dedicate this month to sharing resources, ensuring we have the proper support systems in place, and providing additional training to our team.

Take the 20-Point Head Inspection
Suicide Prevention Resources
Our theme for August focuses on mental health and wellness. When people are happy and healthy, they are more creative, more productive, and more engaged. Unfortunately, COViD-19 and its myriad effects have negatively impacted Americans and their mental health, and thus the need for support during this time is even greater. This month, we will explore topics such as exercise, nutrition, and behavioral health, and encourage you to engage with R|MILLER Cares to improve your mental health and wellness during this time.

It's Time to Build Better Mental Health in the Construction Industry
​CDC Website: Coping With Stress
Experiencing days with lots of exposure to the sun, R|MILLER wants to remind you to stay protected in the sun in order keep yourself healthy. Check out the sun safety tips below!
Stay hydrated!
Remember that your body needs around 64 ounces of water to function properly. Staying active in the heat means that your body sweats more to regulate your body temperature meaning it needs more water. Staying away from beer and soda is a great way to remain hydrated as those diuretics can cause dehydration
Cover your Skin.
We know We know it gets hot, but a great way to prevent skin damage or over exposure to the sun is to wear hats, long pants, and even long-sleeved SPF shirts. Sunglasses can become your best friend this time of year!
Use Sunscreen.
It is important to protect your skin during the workday if you are outside. More important, re applying the sunscreen. A good way is to use product with SPF 30 or higher.
Get checked regularly.
The American Cancer Association Recommends that you get regular check ins by a doctor or a nurse but to also be aware and do self-checks. Here some tips on doing skin checks at home.
AGC this month is focusing on shining a light on the LGBTQ+ community and mental health. The conversation may make some uncomfortable and that is exactly why it is important to discuss. It is important to challenge the jobsite culture to grow out of the traditional stigma of fear of judgement from management or peers. The improvement of inclusion plays a huge role on the psychological safety of our teams for health and efficiency. A psychologically safe job culture builds trust and engagement. This enables crew members to choose the healthiest and most productive behaviors. Join us in learning more about the LGBTQ+ community and how you as an R|MILLER team member can contribute to the conversation!