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It is our passion for continuous improvement that inspired us to develop some of the most accurate preconstruction processes in the commercial construction industry. R|MILLER strives to deliver results that are on-target, timely and satisfying for our clients, design teams and trade partners. Our suite of preconstruction services leverages improved technology and an integrated, collaborative approach, allowing us to work with design teams and owners to identify challenges early on and devise cost-efficient options for our clients without compromising their vision. Bring R|MILLER on board during preconstruction to make the most out of your project.
R|MILLER provides live costing: actual costs reflecting today’s marketplace, based on historic project data instead of speculation. This data allows clients to create capital expenditure reports that accurately reflect project costs, giving ownership the opportunity to maximize programming needs without compromising design.
Constructability reviews give us the opportunity to improve the efficiency and safety of the construction process without impacting function and aesthetics. We lend our expertise to your design team to develop a methodology based on existing conditions and cost advantages.
We track the financial impact of solutions proposed by our team by entering them into a Value Log. Items that are selected for incorporation into a design are considered as savings and assigned a dollar by the owner-architect-builder team. We keep this log for one reason: to encourage creativity and strategic thinking on behalf of our owners. Historically, the savings have been near our fee.
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